Candle & Diffuser Fragrances - Scott Aromatics
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Candle & Diffuser Fragrances

Evoke a Mood

Create a luxurious, relaxing mood in the home.

Scented Candles and diffusers are popular and widely used by consumers to create a luxurious, relaxing mood in the home. They’re also used for their aromatherapy benefits.

Natural and synthetic fragrances of the highest quality.

We work with clients to develop attractive, stable fragrances for their most successful products, including soy and paraffin wax candles and oil-based reed diffusers.

Using a combination of high-quality natural and synthetic fragrances, we’ll create formulations to evoke pleasant memories and experiences for end-users in your market. Of course, we ensure all of our fragrance formulas comply with established standards for safety and quality.

Want to create your unique fragrance? Order your sample.